Art Association and Gallery

Exhibiting at the Klamath Art Gallery

Types of Exhibits 

There are four ways to exhibit your work with the Klamath Art Association: 

  • Members Exhibits – These exhibits are held at our gallery, and are open only to members, but anyone who is not a member can submit work if they join at the same time. Every year we have the Annual Members Exhibit in May and Members Holiday Showcase in November/December.
  • Invitational Exhibits – We have occasional invitational exhibits that are open to both KAA members and non-members (for a small fee for non-members). In particular, we usually have a Celebration of Birds exhibit every February.

Details for what, and how, to submit for Individual and Group Exhibits can be found in the Policies and Procedures section. Helpful information can be found on the Tips and Paperwork tab.

  • Individual/Small Group Exhibits – An individual, or small group of individuals (members and non-members welcome) can apply for an individual exhibit. Go to the Exhibitor Application Form on the Tips and Paperwork tab for details. If accepted for an exhibit, the individual(s) will work with our Artist Contracts/Exhibits Coordinator to arrange their exhibit.
  • Off-site Exhibits – There are occasional opportunities to exhibit, along with other KAA members, at venues around town. These exhibits are open to KAA members only, and we will announce these opportunities on the New and Upcoming page, our Facebook page, and via e-mail. Policies and procedures for submission will vary, depending on the exhibit.

Policies and Procedures for Members and Invitational Exhibits (Click on this tab for complete exhibiting details Exhibit Policies )

  • Drop-Off/Pick-Up of Work – All exhibits begin on the first Sunday of a month, and work is to be submitted on the Thursday afternoon prior to that Sunday. Drop-off times are announced on the New and Upcoming page, on Facebook, and via e-mail to KAA members. Pick-up is from 3 PM to 5 PM on the last Sunday of the month, which is the last day of the show.
  • Commissions/Payment – All work in Members and Invitational Exhibits must be for sale. Commissions are 25% for KAA members, 30% for non-members, and 20% for KAA members who are Gallery Hosts. Payment to artists for sold work is generally made within 30 days of the last day of an exhibit.
  • Size and Number Limits – Artists are limited to two pieces of wall art up to 24 inches by 36 inches, OR one piece up to 28 inches by 42 inches. Crafts work, pottery, and sculpture submissions are limited at the discretion of the volunteers setting up the exhibit, based on space available.
  • Hanging Attachment for Wall Art – Each piece of wall art must have a wire hanger that is securely attached to the artwork or frame. The volunteers hanging the show will not accept work without this.

·   Paperwork – Artists submitting for an exhibit need to do the following:

◦      Fill out an inventory sheet with each item being submitted listed on the form. The inventory sheet can be picked up at the gallery, or requested from klamathartassoc@aol.comSee below for how to create inventory numbers.

◦      Fill out two exhibit tags for each piece of artwork. For wall art, one tag is attached to the back of the artwork. The other is attached in some temporary fashion to the front of the work. (It is removed when a nice tag has been made by our Exhibit Director for display.) It is often possible to insert the front tag between the frame and the glass or artwork. Ask when submitting how to attach tags for artwork that is not wall art. A sheet of tags can be picked up at the gallery, or requested from

◦      Each piece of artwork submitted will need to have an inventory number. Inventory numbers begin with the artist’s three initials, followed by the actual item number, followed by one of the following codes:  HOL for  the Holiday Showcase, or a three letter month code, like MAR for March. Example: John Singer Sargent’s second item in the February show would have inventory number JSS2FEB.

  • Sold Work – Any artwork sold during the month of the exhibit can be removed by the buyer when paid for, or can be marked “SOLD” and picked up by the buyer on the last day of the show. If a work is removed before the last day of the show, the artist will be notified and can submit a replacement piece.