The KAA Gift Shop Sales Gallery
Mission: Showcase high quality handmade arts, crafts, photography, and sculpture.
The gift shop is open year round during normal gallery hours Thursdays through Sundays.. noon to 4 PM. During November and December, the days of operation are daily, except closed on Tuesdays. Our gift shop features a variety of gifts created by current KAA member local artists, photographers, and crafts people. You will find a selection of:
- Hand made and painted art greeting cards
- Craft items
- Decorative tiles
- Photographic greeting cards/regional subjects
- Books by local authors
- Bookmarks
- Beaded and handmade jewelry
- Small matted artwork and photography
- Small sculptures
- Refrigerator magnets
- Textiles
- Hand knit items
- SOON to come…handmade Covid 19 designer masks
- and more!
Sales Gallery Policies:
Only current dues paid up members can sell work in the KAA Gift Shop.
Guidelines/Rules for the Gift Shop
1. Remember there is limited space, so keep in mind the size of artwork. This
also goes for the quantity of items per artist. (EX: the more artists there are
the less items per artist)
2. All new items need to be approved by Gift Shop Manager. Please contact her with your request via email at Once approved items have been brought in, please be sure to enter them on an inventory sheet in the Gift Shop 3- ring binder.
Every single item needs its own separate inventory number attached to the item and a listing on the inventory sheet!!!!
3. Once placed in the Gift Shop they shall not be moved around unless
approved. We would like for all pieces to be shown at their best.
4. Items shall be changed out after six months of no sale.
5. Seasonal items shall be removed when needed. (in spring time remove
winter things)
6. The Gift Shop area is defined as the south brick wall.
7. Items abandoned after a year shall be considered Klamath Art Gallery
property, shall be sold and the money goes to the Gallery.
8. Items shall not be removed from the Gallery to be used in other shows and
then returned back to the Gift Shop. It is unprofessional.
Payment terms: the gallery charges a 25% commission on all sales. Payments from gift shop sales are made every 60 days or less, depending on what date they fall on.